High Desert Museum, 59800 S Hwy 97 Bend OR 97702
9:00 am – 3:00 pm
All camps this session are k-5th grade.
Dino Art
What do dinosaurs, clay and plaster have in common? Art! After visiting the Dinosaurs Take Flight: The Art of Archaeopteryx exhibition, students will enjoy drawing dinosaurs, printmaking and creating a dinosaur from clay and plaster. Other activities will include games, outdoor exploration and exhibit visits.
1-day camps:
Members $40, non-members $45
Extended care: 7:45 am—9:00 am, $10 | 3:00 pm—5:15 pm, $10
Both mornings and afternoons, $15
Members $40, non-members $45 Extended care: 7:45 am—9:00 am, $10 | 3:00 pm—5:15 pm, $10 Both mornings and afternoons, $15