It was billed as the first-ever outdoor IMAX premiere event, and included a performance by the San Diego Symphony Orchestra.
The stars of the film were excited to take part in it. Simon Pegg, who co-wrote the movie and plays Scotty, told ABC News on the red carpet, “It’s going to be an emotional night and I’m very proud.”
The third film in the rebooted series was directed by Justin Lin, who took over for J.J. Abrams. He was excited to step in because, as he explained, Star Trek is celebrating its 50th anniversary and the franchise was “something that I grew up with.”
It helped that Abrams was supportive. “He just said, ‘Hey, make it your own, be bold,” Lin recalled.
Abrams told ABC News it was “bittersweet” to leave the director’s chair, but it was also “comforting” because Lin is a longtime Star Trek fan.
The major cast members, including Chris Pine, Zachary Quinto, Zoe Saldana and Idris Elba, walked the red carpet. Sadly, it was missing Anton Yelchin, who died last month in a car accident.
Pine called Yelchin a “great guy,” while Jason Matthew Smith, who’s played a crew member in all three films, said, “It doesn’t feel like a real premiere without him being here. He was such a huge part of the whole franchise.”
Star Trek Beyond opens in theaters Friday.
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