Washington Teen Donates Hundreds of Stuffed Animals for Children


Ingram Publishing/Thinkstock(SPOKANE, Wash.) — A high school student from Washington state has gathered hundreds of stuffed animals to give to children who are undergoing traumatic situations.

Allison Fay, a sophomore at West Valley High School, told ABC News Friday that she and her schoolmates collected 550 stuffed animals through a donation drive. On Thursday the stuffed animals were given to her local police department.

“I think it was a really good project because we were able to get so many kids from my school to come together and donate to our community, and help other kids that are in need,” Fay said.

Mike Bastinelli of the Yakima Police Department told ABC News Friday that the department has received so many stuffed animals that some will be distributed to three neighboring police departments.

Bastinelli said the stuffed animals can work as a comforting tool to young children in difficult situations.

“It is to help kids going through a traumatic event. We have many of the stuffed animals over in our special assault unit [for] victims of domestic violence or sexual abuse.”

Bartinelli added that some patrol officers will keep the stuffed animals in their cars. “Just handing [children] a stuffed animal will hopefully help ease what they are going through,” he noted.

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