Ted Cruz: Trump Is ‘Betraying Americans’ Before He's Even Elected


ABC News(PLAINFIELD, Ind.) — Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz is intensifying his attacks on chief rival Donald Trump, calling him a phony and liar who is betraying conservative voters.

Over the course of Saturday at campaign stops in both Pennsylvania and Indiana, Cruz coined new punchlines attacking Trump, calling him everything from a master illusionist like Houdini to a man who campaigns like Mick Jagger parachuting into a rock concert concert to someone who should consider writing “The Art of The Betrayal.”

Speaking from the bed of a pickup truck in the parking lot of a Plainfield, Indiana, diner, Cruz energized a crowd of supporters by calling Trump “crazy Donald” and a “phony Donald.”

“He is laughing at the American people and pretending to be something he’s not,” Cruz told reporters after the rally. “If you want to be elected president, you need to show the humility to come and ask for the support of the people — not parachute in like Mick Jagger, give some disjointed speech in a football stadium and then fly out on your jet back to New York City.

“We’ve had enough politicians who are pretenders,” he said.

Cruz also bashed Trump for his opposition to the North Carolina bathroom bill.

“So let me make things real simple, even if Donald Trump dresses up as Hillary Clinton, he shouldn’t be using the girl’s restroom,” said Cruz at a rally in Lebanon, Indiana.

Cruz then laughed, apologizing to the audience for giving them the image of “Donald in a bright blue pantsuit.”

“But let me just say to Jimmy Fallon and ‘The Tonight Show,’ please give us that image,” Cruz said.

Cruz put the jokes aside and got serious discussing his support of the North Carolina’s bathroom bill.

“There is no greater evil than predators and if the law says that any man, if he chooses can enter a women’s restroom, a little girl’s restroom and stay there and he cannot be removed because he simply says at that moment he feels like a woman, you’re opening the door for predators,” Cruz said.

Earlier this week, Cruz’s campaign released a video about the controversy that asked, “Should a grown man pretending to be a woman be allowed to use the women’s restroom, the same restroom used by your daughter, your wife?”

When asked if Cruz believed transgender people are pretending, Cruz said, “The media says the most pressing issue in the world is whether a man dressed as a woman can enter a women’s restroom,” Cruz said. “When I think of the great pressing challenges of the day that does not rise high to the list.”

Cruz added that people have a right to live as they wish.

“If any one of us wants to dress up as a woman or a man wants to live as a woman or man believes that we might be something other than what we were born, you know God has made each of us with free will and the ability to choose to do that. If a man wants to dress as a woman and live as a woman and to have a bathroom at home,” Cruz said. “”You don’t have a right to intrude upon the rights of others. Because whether or not a man believes he’s a woman. There are a lot of women who would like to be able to use a public restroom in peace without having a man there and when there are children involved, you don’t have a right to impose your lifestyle on others.”

Copyright © 2016, ABC Radio. All rights reserved.


Gov. Gavin Newsom deals blow to reparations effort in California

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images (SACRAMENTO, Calif.) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom dealt a blow to legislation linked to the state’s groundbreaking reparations efforts on Wednesday. He vetoed Senate Bill 1050, which would have restored property taken under racially-motivated