11 Things Carly Fiorina's 'Body Woman' Always Has Handy


Scott Olson/Getty Images(NEW YORK) — What makes a good “body person?”

Carly Fiorina believes she has the best in the business with her personal assistant, Rebecca Schieber. One of the tools that makes Schieber so good at her job, Fiorina demonstrated in a new Facebook video, is the overstuffed purse full of various necessities and little convenience items that she hauls around on the campaign trail.


In the video, Schieber and Fiorina give us a sneak peek inside the purse. Here are some of the items found inside:

1. “The crunchy gum”

The first thing Scheiber pulls from her bag — and a must-have item for the candidate — is what Fiorina refers to as “crunchy gum.” The Chiclet-style gum is a matter of personal preference for Fiorina, who explains, “I don’t like soggy gum; I like crunchy gum.”

Scheiber then whips out her own gum favorite, which Fiorina might refer to as “soggy,” because, well, Scheiber doesn’t like the same kind of gum as Fiorina.

2. The backup flag pin

No one will ever be able to criticize Fiorina for a lack of patriotic fashion sense because Scheiber, 22, carries a backup flag pin, just in case Fiorina, 61, were to misplace or lose her staple accessory.

3. Snacks

Schieber, a recent Northwestern University graduate who grew up in the Chicago suburbs, carries some combination of nuts and dried fruit in case hunger strikes. Fiorina notes that she has a soft spot for M&Ms, but tries to stay away from eating sugar while she’s out on the trail.

4. Hand sanitizer

With all that glad-handing, there’s also a fair share of germ-spreading on the trail. So Scheiber makes sure always to have some hand sanitizer at the ready. “We go through a lot of this every day,” Fiorina adds.

5. Little toothbrushes

Pulling out some disposable Wisp toothbrushes, Scheiber and Fiorina say the items have come in handy in a pinch. “We have occasionally used [those]; that was awkward,” Fiorina says, revealing she once had to use one of the toothbrushes in a kitchen ahead of a speech.

6. Sewing Kit

Though Scheiber confesses that she doesn’t know how to sew, she carries a sewing kit in her bag, just in case. Not to worry, Fiorina chimes in, because she does know how. “They don’t teach Home Ec any more these days,” Fiorina says with a laugh.

7. Pantyhose

Next, Scheiber pulls out a pair of emergency pantyhose should Fiorina get a run in hers. “They’re a little dark, Rebecca; we can do better than this,” Fiorina jokingly criticizes as she inspects the hose. “But OK, we’ve never had to use them, thankfully.”

8. Sharpies

Diving into her easy-access side pockets, Schieber pulls out a collection of Sharpies. “Oh, this is very important,” Fiorina says to camera. “Everywhere I go, I’m asked to sign things … and Rebecca, ever at the ready, has the Sharpie pens.”

Schieber then reveals her special variety silver Sharpie. “People are always very impressed,” Fiorina says in reaction to the silver marker.

9. Verizon Cellphone

“For when we lose service in New Hampshire,” Schieber says of the backup phone. It happens with some frequency. “Sorry AT&T, but it’s true,” Fiorina says in an apologetic dig to her former employer.

10. The Electronics Section

In addition to a collection of gadgets to ensure that Fiorina and the team never run out of cellphone juice, Schieber pulls out a tangled mess of chargers. “That’ll take a while to untangle,” Schieber says.

11. Deck of Cards

As a distraction from the near-constant rigors of campaign life, Fiorina and her traveling team will sometimes play a game of cards when traveling. But Fiorina says she has recently sworn off the deck of cards after Schieber beat her a few too many times.
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