Despite Heat, Bend Summer Festival A Big Hit

Summer_fest_#1 BEND, OR — Thousands of Central Oregonians filed into downtown Bend over the weekend for the Bank of the Cascades Bend Summer Festival.  Those in attendance enjoyed live music, food, beverages, crafts and much more.  And despite temperatures into the 90s, no major health problems were reported.

If you have pictures of this weekend’s Bend Summer Festival, E-mail them to us.


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Heat Lamp In Dog House Causes Fire

A heat lamp placed inside a wooden dog house caused a fire Thursday morning. 9-1-1 callers reported the fire had spread and was engulfing a fifth wheel travel trailer in the area of Riverwoods Drive and Choctaw


Reminder: School Exclusion Day is February 19th

Deschutes County Health Services is encouraging parents and guardians to make sure their children’s immunizations are up to date before School Exclusion Day, which is Wednesday, Feb. 19 this year. Oregon State law requires that all children attending public