Are You REAL ID Ready?


You’ve probably heard about REAL ID, but do you know what it is? Oregon Department of Transportation (ODOT) offers a quick quiz. Guess which of the following answers is true.


A. The same as a passport.
B. A national ID card.
C. Required for everyone.
D. All of the above.
E. None of the above.

The answer is E. None of the above. If you answered anything but E, we have resources to help you learn more at

Please consider filling out this six-question anonymous survey. Your feedback will help us determine REAL ID awareness and adoption in the state before the federal deadline.

The survey will close Jan. 24, 2025.


Bingo with Bren Supporting Locavore

Who’s ready for a beer? Central Oregon Locavore is thrilled to be the beneficiary of Bevel Craft Brewing’s Bingo with Bren every Monday this January (except the 27th)! Join us there from 6-8pm, grab a Bingo card


Local Firefighters Sent To California

The Oregon State Fire Marshal is mobilizing three more structural strike teams to southern California from the Oregon fire service. The teams will join 12 strike teams that were sent Wednesday morning. The strike teams are from


Oregon Child Care Funding Requested

Nearly 9,000 families are on the wait list for the Oregon Employment Related Day Care program, and family advocates are calling on lawmakers to ramp up funding to meet the growing need. Child-care prices in Oregon can


Deschutes County Releases Wildfire Protection Plan

The Upper Deschutes River Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) is available for public feedback through February 5. The community is encouraged to review the draft plan and provide their feedback by visiting CWPP’s help communities like Deschutes