City Lowers Mirror Pond Levels


The City of Bend requested assistance from Pacific Power to temporarily lower the water level at Mirror Pond as part of the recently incorporated Stormwater Outfall Improvements, and final phase, of the Newport Corridor Improvements Project.

The drawdown of the Mirror Pond water elevation is anticipated to be approximately two feet in elevation, similar levels to what was experienced last fall/winter while Bend Park and Recreation District was constructing their Deschutes River Trail Improvements. Reducing the water level allows for easier access and increased efficiencies to construct the stormwater outfall structure along the riverbank. The work is expected to be underway as early as October 9 with a river drawdown beginning October 16.

“Improving stormwater infrastructure to protect our river and underground water sources has been at the core of the Newport Corridor Improvements Project,” said Brittany Barker, Principal Engineer for the City of Bend Engineering and Infrastructure Planning Department. “Cooperation and understanding are requested as we temporarily alter water levels in order to help protect our beloved Deschutes River.”

The project is expected to be completed by the end of 2023. The goals of the Outfall phase of the project are in alignment with the overall goals of the Newport Corridor portion of the project: reduce the volume of water reaching the river, increase the quality of the water reaching the river and limit flooding. Construction of this phase will achieve these goals by:

  • Constructing a new rock structure at the riverbank that will slow the stormwater down as it is coming out of the outfall pipe. This will help to limit erosion of the riverbank and reduce the likelihood of sediment reaching the river.
  • Provide additional capacity of the stormwater pipe to convey increased flows during rain events.  This is also achieved through the infiltration of stormwater through the water quality planters, thereby reducing the volume of water reaching the river.
  • Alleviate the possibility of localized flooding during significant storm events in the intersection of Nashville Avenue and Drake Road.

For more information, visit the project website at


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