Bend Airport Hosts Open House


The City of Bend was awarded a $4.8 million Connect Oregon Grant for an air traffic control tower at the Bend Municipal Airport. The public is invited to an airport Open House from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, May 23 at CJ’s Airport Café to have refreshments, hear updates on the Airport Master Plan, and learn about upcoming capital improvements including the air control tower project.  The airport is located at 63132 Powell Butte Highway (second floor of the green building.)

An air traffic control tower will increase aviation safety in the region by separating and sequencing aircraft, reduce conflicts with air traffic from Redmond, Prineville and Madras airports, and improve airport operational efficiencies. More organized traffic flow will also reduce fuel use and lower greenhouse gas emissions.

“There are 97 public-use airports in the State of Oregon and of the top five busiest ones -Portland, Hillsborough, Bend, Troutdale and Redmond- Bend’s is the third busiest, but the only one of the top five without an air traffic control tower,” said Airport Manager Tracy Williams. “This is much-needed funding for a critical project at the airport.”

An airport’s operations are measured by the number of times an aircraft lands or takes off. Current annual operations at Bend Municipal Airport are approximately 141,000 take offs and landings.

Oregon Department of Transportation’s Connect Oregon is an initiative established by the 2005 state legislature to invest in non-highway modes of transportation, such as aviation, rail and marine.

Connect Oregon made about $46 million available for infrastructure projects. Aviation, rail and marine projects in Oregon were eligible. Out of 603 applications, 21 were awarded, including Bend’s – which was the biggest request.

The City of Bend requested about $4.8 million, which is 65% of the estimated total project cost of $7.5 million, which covers design and construction.  The City will seek Federal funding for the balance of design and construction of the project.

The City anticipates the control tower will be ready for operation by late 2025.

The public is invited to an airport Open House from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. on Monday, May 23 at CJ’s Airport Café to have refreshments, hear updates on the Airport Master Plan, and learn about upcoming capital improvements including the air control tower project.  The airport is located at 63132 Powell Butte Highway (second floor of the green building.)


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