FFA Scholarships Available


Deschutes County Farm Bureau (DCFB) will award students $10,000 for the 2022-2023 academic year through a few different scholarships.  All scholarships are open to students whose families are voting or supporting members of Deschutes County Farm Bureau. For those who are not yet a member but who wish to apply for a scholarship, they can join Deschutes County Farm Bureau for $125 per year. Find information at www.OregonFB.org/join.

I. Deschutes County Farm Bureau Scholarships for College/University Students

     > DCFB will award one $1,000 scholarship in each school district in Deschutes County for high school graduates planning to attend a college or university. (All fields of study eligible, with preference being given to majors in agriculture and related fields.)

     > DCFB will award three county-wide $1,500 scholarships to returning college students already enrolled in classes. (All fields of study eligible, with preference being given to majors in agriculture and related fields.)

     > DCFB will award one $2,500 scholarship to a student who is pursuing a major in agriculture or a related field.

The deadline for returning completed applications is April 30, 2022.

Find the scholarship guidelines and application (.docx files) at www.OregonFB.org/scholarships.

II. Deschutes County Farm Bureau FFA Scholarship

     > DCFB also offers a scholarship/reward program for FFA students who attend school in Deschutes County.

The program will be for students achieving the State Degree and American Degree. Those FFA members achieving the State Degree award will receive from Deschutes County Farm Bureau a $50 gift card and a one-year student membership in Deschutes County Farm Bureau.

FFA members who achieve the American Degree award will receive a $500 College Scholarship and a one-year voting membership in Deschutes County Farm Bureau.

To learn how to apply for the FFA program, contact Tom Maddux 541-419-7669 or Deschutescountyfb@gmail.com.

For more information about any of the scholarships, please contact Tom Maddux 541-419-7669 or Deschutescountyfb@gmail.com.


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