Redmond Daytime Shelter Opens Tuesday


Shepherd’s House Ministries will open a daytime warming shelter in Redmond from 8:00am-5:00pm, Tuesday through Thursday, December 28-30. The daytime shelter will be located at 1350 S. Highway 97 in Redmond, a facility recently acquired by Shepherd’s House awaiting renovation in coming months. With extreme cold daytime temperatures forecast for these days, Shepherd’s House will provide a safe and warm space for people experiencing homelessness in Redmond.

Extreme cold temperatures pose a risk to the health and life of persons living outside, specifically a risk of frostbite and hypothermia. Shepherd’s House is committed to feeding the hungry and sheltering the homeless. Redmond City Director Andrew Hoeksema says, “Our commitment to caring for our most vulnerable neighbors means going beyond overnight sheltering when extreme weather conditions demand it. As many of us in Central Oregon enjoy the holiday season, our unhoused neighbors are at significant risk in these very cold days. We will partner with Redmond community members to welcome them inside, offering simple food and safety as a way to care those who need it most.”

Shepherd’s House Ministries has partnered with Redmond churches to provide overnight Cold Weather Shelter since 2014. The overnight Cold Weather Shelter is open from 6:00pm to 7:00am, and is hosted by Mountain View Fellowship Church December 16-February 15. A van will be used to transport guests between the overnight shelter and the daytime shelter.

CALL TO ACTION: Shepherd’s House will welcome volunteers on site at this daytime warming shelter, and also invites donations of prepared food or snacks as well as bottled water. Financial contributions are welcome at


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