A Go Fund Me page has been set up for a 27-year old woman who was stabbed while working at the Chevron/Circe K off of hwy 97 in Redmond last week.
According to the page: “On 3/26/2021 around 3:30 a.m. Kenzie was working check out…when three people walked in and demanded the money out of the cash register. Kenzie, being the strong willed woman she is, stood up for herself, and told them no. One of the men came around the register and attacked her, stabbing her three times. Kenzie was rushed to the hospital, she’s currently in the ICU, and her condition is stable.”
The campaign goes on to explain, “Kenzie is an amazing mother of two children. She was just trying to make a living to support her family. This money will help to pay her hospital bills and to take care of her family while she’s recovering. Thank you for any support you can give.”