Rocket Debris Causes NW Light Show


Many people in Oregon and Washington state reported mysterious bright objects in the sky Thursday night, but they weren’t meteors, according to NWS Portland’s twitter account.  And, Many videos were taken of the event here 

“While we await further confirmation on the details, here’s the unofficial information we have so far. The widely reported bright objects in the sky were the debris from a Falcon 9 rocket 2nd stage that did not successfully have a deorbit burn,” according to NWS Seattle.

Here’s some more info on atmospheric re-entry. Typical manmade objects obtain low Earth orbit at speeds around 17,500 mph. As they re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere, the angle must be just right. If it’s too steep, they burn up.”


Rotary Rose Fundraiser – Prineville

Rotary Roses are on sale NOW! Treat yourself, your significant other, your staff, your mother, and your neighbors! These roses are always BEAUTIFUL, and you sure can’t beat the price! Roses will be delivered FOR FREE on


New Fires Lead To Evacuation Notices

The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office is supporting firefighters responding to or engaged with new fires. Two areas are under evacuation notices. The Backside Fire located west of Mt. Bachelor in the roadless area has necessitated Level 3


BrighSide’s Paw Crawl Fundraiser

BrightSide’s Paw Crawl Fundraiser Event, sponsored by Roth Home, takes place on Saturday, September 7th in Redmond! For a $30 donation, enjoy a special logo cup, gift card to Local Paws, beverage token, and BrightSide hat. Start