JUST IN: Rock Slide Near Prineville


Prineville, Ore. — April 25, 2019 — Forest managers have temporarily closed a section of Forest Road 58 near the South Fork of the John Day River on the Paulina Ranger District while they mitigate a rock slide brought on by recent snow melt and wet soil conditions.

Forest Service employees discovered the rock slide earlier this week and determined the potential for more large rocks to slide down a steep grade into the roadway. The site is located in the southeast corner of the Ochoco National Forest, close to the forest boundary with Prineville BLM. This time of year, the road is frequently used by turkey and bear hunters, wildflower viewers, and local traffic.

The road section has been signed and flagged. Forest employees are working on a plan to mitigate the rock slide and will reopen the road as soon as possible, but it will likely remain closed through this weekend.


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