‘Tis the Season for special holiday condiments or host/hostess gifts! Join OSU
Extension at the Red and Green Salsa public workshop to learn how to make safe, canned
salsas! Participants will have fun learning about and making Tomatillo and Spicy
Cranberry Salsas from up-to-date, tested recipes.
Join us at the Red and Green Salsa public workshop offered at the OSU Extension
office in Redmond on Wednesday, October 17, 9:00 AM to noon. Carol Nelson, OSU
Extension Master Food Preserver, will be leading the sessions and other Master Food
Preserver volunteers will be assisting.
The cost of the class is $15.00 per person. Participants take home lab products and
recipes. Register by calling the OSU Extension/Deschutes County office, 541-548-6088
by Monday, October 15 th . The class size will be limited.