The Crook County Health Department is getting ready to offer another Prevent T2 lifestyle
change program for the prevention of type 2 diabetes. This will be the 4 th class offered since the
department started the program 2 years ago. This class is for people with prediabetes, or other
risk factors for type 2 diabetes.
One in three American adults has prediabetes. If you have prediabetes, you are at high risk for
developing type 2 diabetes, a serious disease. Many people with prediabetes who do not lose
weight or do moderate physical activity can develop type 2 diabetes within 5 years. The good
news is that you can prevent type 2 diabetes.
The PreventT2 lifestyle change program, offered by the Crook County Health Department, is
part of the National Diabetes Prevention Program, led by the Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC), and is proven to prevent or delay type 2 diabetes. In PreventT2 participants
will work in a group with a trained lifestyle coach to learn the skills you need to make lasting
changes. These include losing a modest amount of weight, being more physically active, and
managing stress. You will learn to eat healthy, add physical activity to your life, stay motivated,
and solve problems that can get in the way of healthy changes. “If you have prediabetes,” said
Kylie Loving the Diabetes Prevention Coordinator for the Crook County Health Department
“PreventT2 offers a real chance to prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes by helping you
adopt a healthier lifestyle.”
So far more than 30 Crook County Residents have participated in the program, losing more than
a total of 230lbs. Crook County Health Department is working to enroll more people into their
upcoming class. You can attend an informational meeting to find out more about the program:
May 9 th or May 16 th
2:00-3:00 pm
Crook County Family Resource Center
422 NW Beaver Street, Prineville
The PreventT2 group will meet for a year — weekly for the first 6 months, then once or twice a
month for the second 6 months to maintain your healthy lifestyle changes. Most participants
enjoy the group support and find it makes lifestyle change easier. One participant said, “I wasn’t
active at all before joining the program, but now I look forward to it.” Another said, “I feel like I
have the strategies to move forward and meet my goals.”
The PreventT2 program is based on research that found people with prediabetes can cut their risk
of developing type 2 diabetes in half by losing 5 to 7 percent of their body weight. That is about
10 to 14 pounds for a person weighing 200 pounds. “Small changes make a big difference,”
added Loving. “With a trained lifestyle coach as a guide, you can work with others who are at
risk for type 2 diabetes to make a change for life.”
To learn more about PreventT2 and register for the upcoming class call:
Kylie Loving
541-447- 3260
For more information about prediabetes and to find out if you are risk go to