Last month, the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) unit partnered with the United States Marshals Service to conduct Operation Trick or Treat 2 as part of a nationwide Sex Offender Compliance operation. The operation in Deschutes County was a multi-agency effort involving the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office, Redmond Police Department, Oregon State Police, Sunriver Police Department, Deschutes County Parole and Probation, Federal Bureau of Investigations, and United States Marshals Service.
Nationwide, Operation Trick or Treat 2 resulted in 331 total arrests, including 129 for failure to register as a sex offender, 74 sex offenders for other offenses, as well as 128 others for various criminal activities. During the operation, law enforcement personnel also conducted 3,334 sex offender compliance checks and seized 40 illegally possessed firearms.
In Deschutes County, compliance checks were completed with 350 registered sex offenders, resulting in 4 arrests, 2 citations, 31 warnings, and the arrest of a fugitive from Texas. Law enforcement was also able to confirm 21 sex offenders who have failed to change their address in accordance with registration requirements and are conducting follow up to locate these individuals.
The Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office would like to thank the United States Marshal’s Service and Oregon State Police Sex Offender Registration Section for their assistance in organizing this operation, as well as local law enforcement agencies who partnered to ensure that this operation could be successful.