Guardian Assistance Program Seeking Volunteers


The Central Oregon Guardian Assistance Program (COGAP) was established as a non-profit organization in August of 2023 in Bend, Oregon. COGAP provides pro bono and low-cost guardianship services to Central Oregonians with limited means who are incapacitated and unable to make medical, housing, and financial decisions for themselves. Often these individuals may be unhoused, dealing with learning or cognitive disabilities, mental illness, acute medical needs, dementia, or Alzheimer’s Disease and/or substance abuse disorders.

COGAP is looking for visitation volunteers. These volunteers would regularly visit COGAP clients that are in facility-based care. The idea behind this volunteer job is to make them feel cared for and not forgotten. COGAP will set up training beforehand and volunteers can shadow staff on visits until they feel comfortable doing it by themselves. It’s very rewarding for all parties involved! We will conduct background checks on all volunteers.
Other COGAP volunteer opportunities are available as well and can be found by going to

COGAP is currently supported by St. Charles Health System, Deschutes County, Horner Law, LLP, Central Oregon Health Council, OnPoint Community Credit Union, and WaFD. For more information about the Central Oregon Guardian Assistance Program, visit


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