Citizens Exchange Coins With Redmond Police


On Monday August 19, the Williams family stopped by the Redmond Police Department with a box of challenge coins for every officer. About six years ago, the Williams family was victim of a serious crime. Captain Wells was assigned to the Investigations Unit at the time and was able to conclude the case with a desirable outcome for the family.

As a result, Trinity and Ryder Williams, along with three cousins, have been diligently saving money from can and bottle returns to purchase the coins. Trinity and Ryder, along with their mother Vicky and grandmother Debra Jones, gave a special Oregon State challenge coin to Captain Wells to show their appreciation for the department’s efforts. The Williams family also presented challenge coins to the Redmond Fire Department and the Lebanon Oregon Police Department, and plan to continue giving challenge coins in the future.

Captain Wells presented RPD challenge coins to the family and issued a Kindness 911 citation as well. Challenge coins often have a department’s logo or badge and are collected and traded amongst officers within the profession. Challenge coins can also be given to show appreciation or to commemorate an event.  

We can’t thank Trinity, Ryder and the rest of the family enough for the coins. Moments like these are incredibly valuable for the officers and members of the Redmond Police Department. 


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