The Museum at Warm Springs has extended its public closure until further notice for the installation of a new Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system.
The “30th Annual Warm Springs Tribal Member and Youth Exhibit,” which was originally extended through March 6, has closed. “Due to the ongoing HVAC installation process, we made an administrative decision to close the exhibit and return the artworks to the artists,” said Museum Executive Director Elizabeth Woody. “The Museum holding their artworks for such an extended period beyond March 6 is too long for any artist. We are grateful to have the agreement for the first-time extension.”
The Museum’s staff is working during the closure so Warm Springs Tribal members who need ceremonial items from The Museum’s Gift Shop during the public closure will be able to purchase them as needed.
“I am very pleased to report that although the installation is not going as quickly as we originally hoped, it is going extremely well,” said Woody. “We are looking forward to having a brand new system soon.”
Major funders of the HVAC system include the U.S. Congress/National Park Service, The Roundhouse Foundation, The Ford Family Foundation, Portland General Electric Foundation, Spirit Mountain Community Fund and Oregon Cultural Trust.
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