The Redmond Police Department (RPD) executed a search warrant on a camp located on BLM land east of the city Tuesday. Following the completion of an investigation which began on January 16, officers, with the assistance of the Central Oregon Emergency Response Team (CERT) executed the warrant at 8:00 a.m.
Two suspects were taken into custody on several charges including, Unauthorized Use of a Motor Vehicle, Aggravated First Degree Theft, First Degree Criminal Mischief, Second-Degree Criminal Trespass, Felon in Possession of a Restricted Weapon and Probation Violation.
CERT was activated based on the criminal history of one of the suspects and information he may be in possession of a firearm. Upon execution of the warrant, officers located a realistic AK-47 style air rifle, as well as an AK-47 magazine loaded with 7.62 ammunition.
Officers also recovered a large number of tools belonging to CNC Project Management, a Washington based company who was recently a victim of theft. The tools were returned to CNC who indicated the recovery of tools saved the jobs of seven employees. Officers continue to investigate the case in the hopes of recovering additional stolen items.