Outdoor Burning Restrictions Lifted


With the recent cooling weather, local fire departments, the US Forest Service, the Bureau of Land Management, and Oregon Department of Forestry agreed that many local areas may enter into the burn season. The Central Oregon Fire Chiefs Association is announcing that Tuesday, October 3, 2023, will be the official start to when most local fire districts in Central Oregon are open.

Some local departments have already opened debris burning based on the conditions in their area. Lake Chinook Fire & Rescue will open on November 1st, allowing burn barrels and campfires until then. Year-round burning bans in Central Oregon include the City of Bend, the City of Sisters, and Sunriver.

Even with many fire districts opening burn season, Central Oregon Fire Chiefs remind residents that they need to check their local fire district’s website and/or call daily to ensure the district is allowing burning on a given day, and to obtain any necessary permits.

The Oregon Department of Forestry (ODF) has not officially ended the fire season. Fire danger is still considered moderate.  On private lands within the Central Oregon District, the general public may conduct open burning of small piles with a valid permit from your local fire district on days they allow burning.

Central Oregon Fire Chiefs federal partners (US Forest Service & Bureau of Land Management) will also begin performing prescribed burns throughout the region. These prescribed burns will be conducted under carefully planned conditions such as: with federal fire resources, professional fire managers and firefighters on scene, favorable weather conditions and carefully planned land plots. These prescribed burns improve forest health and reduce the forest fuels in order to lower the wildfire risk to our communities that is ever present later in the season when the conditions are even more extreme.  More information can be found at https://www.centraloregonfire.org/.  Residents can also text ‘COFIRE’ to 888-777 to receive wildfire and prescribed fire text alerts.

Local burn information hyperlinks and phone numbers:

Alfalfa Fire District


Bend/Deschutes Rural District #2


Black Butte Ranch




Crook County Fire & Rescue

541-447-BURN (2876)

Crooked River Ranch RFPD


Jefferson County Fire & EMS


La Pine Fire Department


Lake Chinook Fire & Rescue

541-410 5077

Redmond Fire & Rescue


Sisters-Camp Sherman


Warm Springs Fire & Safety



Redmond Fire & Rescue reopened outdoor burning Tuesday, October 3rd. With the recent rains and decrease in high temperatures, the risk for fire spread has decreased to safe levels. Redmond Fire & Rescue would like to remind anyone who is conducting outdoor burning of the regulations for the areas served by Redmond Fire & Rescue:


Open debris burning inside the city limits of Redmond is prohibited per Redmond Fire & Rescue Ordinance #5. Failure to comply can result in a citation and fines.

Campfires, warming fires, and cooking fires, in approved fire rings or appliances, are allowed year-round when the regulations below are followed. These fires are allowed within city limits and no permit is required.

All types of fires may be banned in peak fire conditions.

A burn permit is required for open burning. Burn permits can be obtained by downloading the Burn Permit app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store. You can also visit the Public Fire Safety website to obtain a permit.

General Requirements

  • Each day, before you begin your outdoor burning, you must call the outdoor burning number at 541-504-5035 or utilize the burn permit app to determine if burning is allowed. A permit is required.
  • You are completely responsible, criminally and personally, including any suppression costs, for any fire you start. These regulations do NOT relieve responsibility for conducting a safe and attended burn.
  • All fires shall be constantly attended until the fire is extinguished. Fires should be cold to the touch to be considered completely out.
  • A minimum of one portable fire extinguisher with a minimum 4-A rating or other approved on-site fire-extinguishing equipment such as a shovel and dirt, garden hose, or water truck, shall be available for immediate utilization.
  • Open burning shall be prohibited when atmospheric conditions or local circumstances make such fires hazardous. The fire code official is authorized to order the extinguishment of any fire which creates or adds to a hazardous situation.
  • All fires shall have a minimum of 10 feet around the fire clear of combustibles.
  • An adult must be in attendance at all times.

To Report an Illegal Burn

Call the non-emergency dispatch line at 541-693-6911 to report an illegal burn. Or to report individuals who are burning items not approved by DEQ, please call DEQ at 541-388-6146.

Residential Outdoor Burning of Yard Debris (only permitted outside the Redmond city limits with a valid permit)

Provisions shall be made to prevent the fire from spreading to any structure*. To apply for a permit, download the Burn Permit app from the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

  1. Fires in approved containers shall not be less than 15 feet from any structure.
  2. The minimum required distance from a structure shall be 25 feet where the pile size is 3 feet or less in diameter and 2 feet or less in height.
  3. The minimum required distance from a structure shall be 50 feet where the pile size is greater than 3 feet in diameter and 2 feet in height.
  4. Burn piles need to be sized so fires will be completely out by the required time indicated on the burn information line.
  5. Burn barrels shall be at least 15 feet from any structure.
  6. Absolutely no debris burning after dark.

Veterans Appreciation Day

Join us for a heartfelt day dedicated to honoring and celebrating our veterans at Veterans Appreciation Day! This special event is designed to show gratitude to those who have served while raising funds to support local veterans


HDESD Appoints New Head of Special Programs

The High Desert Education Service District (HDESD) announced the appointment of Jihan Nelson as the new Executive Director of Special Programs. Nelson, who has been serving as the interim executive director since November, brings extensive leadership experience, a