BLM Installs Cashless Kiosks


The Bureau of Land Management installed Remote Off-Grid Kiosks (ROK) that are designed to process card payments instead of cash at the Trout Creek and Mecca Flat Campgrounds earlier this month. Staff plan to remove the traditional iron ranger fee boxes at these two sites after Labor Day weekend.

Campers will no longer be able to use cash and will only be able to pay with a card at these two sites after September 4, 2023. Visitors can expect a more efficient, secure and user-friendly payment process.

“It’s exciting that these cashless systems can be used in remote areas,” said Deschutes Field Office Manager Lisa Clark. “We’re hoping that by installing these, we are offering our visitors an easier way to pay. The new kiosks will also eliminate the envelopes with cash that are used with the traditional iron ranger fee boxes, which have been broken into repeatedly over the past several years.”

ROKs are powered by solar and designed to allow for cashless fee collections even at remote campgrounds with limited connectivity. The kiosks can operate in areas without cellular connectivity, Wi-Fi or external power. The kiosks allow users to select Standard or Group campsites onsite. The ROKs are also configured to discount standard campsites if users have a valid America the Beautiful – National Park and Federal Recreation Pass or a Senior Access Pass. Campers must display a valid pass on their vehicle dashboard.

ROKs ensure the most secure payment and data collection processes possible. All payment information is point-to-point encrypted. The systems are also PCI compliant (Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard) and no card information is visible during the transaction process.

Given the success of these systems in other recreation sites around the country, the BLM plans to replace the majority of fee boxes in the campgrounds along the Lower Deschutes Wild and Scenic River with ROK systems in the next several years.

For more information about the new payment kiosks at Trout Creek and Mecca Flat Campgrounds, please call the Prineville District BLM office at (541) 416-6700.


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