Bethlehem Inn is inviting community members to join them in being part of the solution to end homelessness. Each day Inn supporters and volunteers have a positive impact on the adults and children in crisis, who are receiving services at the Inn. To help educate the community, the Inn will offer tours and orientations in August to demonstrate how volunteering brings humanity to the problem and offers volunteers a direct way to positively influence people in crisis. Volunteer opportunities are available for youth 10+, adults, families and groups.
Tours and volunteer orientations will be offered at each of the Inn’s shelter locations in Bend and Redmond during the month of August. Registration is required. Visit www.bethleheminn.org and click on the Register Today link or call 541.322.8768 x11 to register.
Here is the schedule information:
Bend Bethlehem Inn: 3705 N. Hwy 97
Every Thursday, 12pm and 5pm from August 3 – August 31
Saturday, August 12th at 12pm
Redmond Bethlehem Inn: 517 NW Birch Ave
Every Wednesday, 12pm and 5pm from August 2 – August 30
Bethlehem Inn is Central Oregon’s largest emergency shelter, providing temporary shelter, clothing, food and case management services for up to 200 adults and children each night. To learn more, please visit www.bethleheminn.org. Follow us on Facebook/BethlehemInnCentralOregon or Instagram. Donations are gladly accepted and may be mailed to: Bethlehem Inn, P.O. Box 8540, Bend, OR 97708.