Discover Your Forest and the Deschutes National Forest invite you to a public screening of a Landmark Stories documentary The West is Burning followed by a facilitated panel discussion with local fire, land management, and forestry experts.
This free community event will be held at the Embark Coworking Community building, 2843 NW Lolo Dr. in Bend, on Thursday, May 25, at 6:30 p.m.; doors open at 6:00 p.m.
The West is Burning examines the history of forest management and social conflict that has contributed to current forest conditions, causing longer fire seasons and unprecedented impacts. The film emphasizes the need to act now to generate positive change in our forests, watersheds, and communities. Six real life perspectives drive the film’s narrative to help raise awareness about the conditions of forests in the western U.S. Their stories demonstrate the need to embrace a new era of forest stewardship, and the unique partnerships that are being built across community-based organizations, government entities, and private and non-governmental organizations. These thought leaders highlight the need for a unified response to climate change, land use, and forest restoration, and emphasize the importance of community-based solutions to these challenges.
The event will consist of a screening of the 56-minute film followed by a 30-45 minute facilitated panel discussion with local forestry and fire specialists. The panelists include the Deschutes National Forest Supervisor Holly Jewkes, The Nature Conservancy Forest Ecologist Thomas Stokely, Bend-Fort Rock Ranger District Fire Management Officer Robert Newey, Central Oregon Fire Management Service Staff Officer Kevin Stock, and Bob Madden with Central Oregon Fire Chiefs and the Deschutes Collaborative Forest Project. Representatives from local forestry and fire organizations will host tables and share information on wildfire preparedness and forest restoration collaboratives in the lobby before and after the event.
The screening is a free, ticketed event. For more information and to register for the event, please visit https://discoveryourforest.org/west-is-burning/ or contact Discover Your Forest’s Wildland Fire Education Coordinator Emily Curtis at emily.curtis@discovernw.org.