Seek answers for environmental, legal, and human rights questions as the Deschutes Public Library explore facets of justice in the month of February. Hear from the founder of a climate justice collective and stretch your budget with healthy recipe ideas. Learn about the future of water use in Oregon and discover free legal resources available through the library. Dive into the stories of the world’s greatest superhero team and discuss queer stories through what is forgotten and what is remembered. Please note the location of programs as some are hosted at offsite venues. All programs are free and open to the public. Programs marked with an asterisk (*) require registration.
Meals on a Budget at Arome*
Food is a necessity of life, which should be nutritious, affordable, and culturally appropriate for all. Join gourmet food enthusiast Alex Schultz as he shares pro tips for creating healthy and well-balanced meals on a budget. Registration required.
- Wednesday, February 1 • 5:30 p.m. • Arome | 432 SW 6th Street, Redmond
Central Oregonizing
Dive into the history of Bend’s sawmills and their workers’ efforts to unionize between 1916 and 2000. Michael Funke produces The Radical Songbook podcast and has 30 years’ experience as an editor for alternative and union publications.
- Saturday, February 4 • 2:00 p.m. • Becky Johnson Center | 412 SW 8th Street, Redmond
- Wednesday, February 8 • noon • East Bend Library | 62080 Dean Swift Road, Bend
Restorative Justice in Practice*
By valuing respect, mutual concern, and dignity, Restorative Justice provides a framework for creating just and equitable learning environments that nurture healthy relationships and transform conflicts. Learn more about the practice of Restorative Justice through facilitation of a community circle. Registration required.
- Sunday, February 5 • 3:00 p.m. • Downtown Bend Library | 601 NW Wall Street, Bend
Intro to Intersectional Environmentalism
Explore the history of Intersectional Environmentalism and its principles to shift the environmental narrative to one that centers those most directly impacted by the climate crisis.
- Tuesday, February 7 • noon • Online only
Supreme Justice
The United States Supreme Court has had a profound influence on American life throughout its history. History Professor Murray A. Godfrey discusses the evolution of the Court and its changing influence across American history up to present day.
- Thursday, February 9 • 6:00 p.m. • Online only
- Saturday, February 12 • 3:00 p.m. • Downtown Bend Library | 601 NW Wall Street, Bend
The Future of Water in Oregon
Tap into knowledge about water availability under current and future climate conditions, impacts to vulnerable communities, and what we can do to modernize water management in Oregon. Hydrologist Zach Freed shares his experience in science-based collaborative water management throughout the Pacific Northwest.
- Monday, February 13 • noon • Sisters Firehouse Community Hall | 301 S Elm Street, Sisters
- Wednesday, February 15 • 6:00 p.m. • Downtown Bend Library | 601 NW Wall Street, Bend
Discover the Justice League
Holy Toledo Batman! Journey through the history of the world’s greatest superhero team with Community Librarian Le A. Button. Discover more than 60 years of fun facts, forgotten and fascinating characters, and inspiring stories of the multimedia franchise better known as the Justice League.
- Tuesday, February 21 • noon • Online only
Justice Resources in the Library
Learn about free legal resources at your library. From the popular Lawyer in the Library program to presentations on the latest in landlord-tenant law, to guides on wills and trusts, Community Librarian Jenny Pedersen outlines how the library can help with your legal information needs.
- Tuesday, February 23 • 6:00 p.m. • Online only
Filling in the Gaps: Reflections on Queer Memory and World-Making
Discuss queer stories through what is forgotten and what is remembered with Dr. Cassandra Hall. This presentation traces the relationships between care, grief, and Midrash—a Jewish rhetorical genre and method that attends to gaps, lapses, and silences through stories.
- Sunday, February 26 • 3:00 p.m. • Online or Downtown Bend Library | 601 NW Wall Street, Bend
For more information about these programs, please visit the library website at www.deschuteslibrary.org. People with disabilities needing accommodations (alternative formats or auxiliary aides) should contact Liz Goodrich at lizg@deschuteslibrary.org or 541-312-1032.