Oregon Looks To End Menthol Cigarette Sales


Late last week, the Oregon legislature introduced HB 3090 which would end the sale of menthol cigarettes and all other flavored tobacco products, including cigars, hookah, e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco.

The bill introduction comes on the heels of a new report by the American Cancer Society noting over 26,000 Oregonians will be diagnosed with cancer in 2023, and an estimated 8,400 will lose their lives to the disease. Smoking causes 30% of all cancer deaths in this country.

The following statement can be attributed to Jamie Dunphy, Oregon director of government relations for the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network (ACS CAN):

“With a new year and new legislative session comes a new opportunity for Oregon lawmakers to prioritize the health of Oregonians over tobacco industry interests and bottom line. Ending the sale of menthol cigarettes and all other flavored tobacco products would be a huge step in that direction.

“Menthol, mint and other candy- and fruit-flavored tobacco products are a key part of the tobacco industry’s strategy to addict our youth, Black, LGBTQ and limited-income communities. Research shows that flavors drive the unprecedented increase in youth tobacco uptake, with 81% of kids who have ever tried tobacco started with a flavored product.

“On behalf of cancer patients, survivors, and all impacted by tobacco use, ACS CAN thanks chief bill sponsor, Rep. Lisa Reynolds, Sen. Elizabeth Steiner, and Sen. Bill Hansell and Rep. Hai Pham, and urges House and Senate members to start the new year with a commitment to support this legislation and prioritize public health over the tobacco industry’s wallet.”


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