Bend-Lapine Schools Honors Support Staff


During a surprise school wide assembly Tuesday, Bend-La Pine Schools Superintendent Steven Cook named Jessica Weisgerber, media manager at R.E. Jewell Elementary School, the Outstanding Support Staff Person for Bend-La Pine Schools. Weisgerber has served as media manager for three years. She is known for her enthusiasm, dedication to helping all students and love for literacy.

“Our school would not be with same without her working in the heart of the building and if she ever decides to change careers, I don’t know how we can possibly find someone to fill her spot on the staff,” said Jesse Rasmussen, Assistant Principal at R.E. Jewell.  

Weisgerber was one of six support staff finalists considered for the award including: Malissa Fields, Educational Assistant at Lava Ridge Elementary School; Lisa Johnson, attendance secretary at Realms High School; Barbara Miller, school bus driver; Cynthia Serra, school nurse for Ensworth Elementary School; and Veronia Trejo, office manager at Caldera High School.

Mid Oregon Credit Union sponsored the award and Weisgerber received $500 to use for her program.


St. Patrick’s Day Dash

Join Us at Deschutes Tasting Room on Simpson Ave. for the 2025 Hydroflask St. Patrick’s Day Dash presented by Deschutes Brewery and Horizon Broadcasting. Gather the family to walk, jog, crawl or run, and be sure to


Understanding Homelessness in Central OR

This event aims to address concerns and shed light on the underlying causes of homelessness, the range of ongoing efforts to address it, and potential solutions tailored to Central Oregon’s unique challenges. From 5:00-6:00 p.m. there will