NeighborImpact Celebrates Community Development

NeighborImpact is celebrating National Community Development Week by highlighting the impact of the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program on Central Oregon. CDBG is a HUD program that removes blight and improves the living conditions in low- and moderate income communities. CDBG helps local, rural governments secure funds for high priority infrastructure; community facilities; economic development; and housing projects. In the last year, NeighborImpact’s CDBG program has supported five projects benefiting the cities of Madras and Prineville; and Crook and Jefferson counties.
1. The program secured $2.5 million for engineering and construction costs to upgrade and replace undersized, deteriorating water lines in Madras.
2. The second project was funded with $1.5 million to construct the Madras Homeless Services Center, a dedicated, year-round, homeless services facility in Jefferson County.
3. $500,000 has been awarded to provide eviction prevention rental assistance to low- and moderate-income, COVID -impacted households in Crook and Jefferson counties.
4. The program secured another $400,000 for the City of Prineville to rehabilitate and repair owner-occupied homes in the region.
5. We boosted economic development in the City of Madras with $150,000 to support small businesses in Jefferson County impacted by COVID.
Central Oregon local governments rely on NeighborImpact’s support and expertise to bring these grants home. NeighborImpact facilitates the eligibility determination process, writes and submits CDBG grant proposals to HUD, conducts environmental assessments, administers the grants and monitors prevailing wage compliance. For the Crook-Jefferson rent assistance project, NeighborImpact also serves as the program operator.
In total, NeighborImpact’s Community Development program has secured over $5 million for Central Oregon projects in just the last year.
“CDBG grants fill gaps and address critical needs of individuals, families, small businesses and communities throughout Central Oregon,” said Andrew Spreadborough, Deputy Executive Director of Strategy and Operations at NeighborImpact.
The nonprofit will continue to offer services in consulting, writing and administering Community Development Block Grants and would like to encourage interested cities and counties to contact NeighborImpact Deputy Executive Director of Strategy and Operations, Andrew Spreadborough at (541) 323-6508 or

St. Patrick’s Day Dash

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Understanding Homelessness in Central OR

This event aims to address concerns and shed light on the underlying causes of homelessness, the range of ongoing efforts to address it, and potential solutions tailored to Central Oregon’s unique challenges. From 5:00-6:00 p.m. there will