Last Week For Health Coverage Enrollment


142,783 people in Oregon have enrolled in health coverage through the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace as of Dec. 15, 2021. There is still time to enroll if you have not yet taken action. The deadline to get health coverage with financial help is Jan. 15, 2022.

The American Rescue Plan Act (2021) has made health insurance purchased through the Marketplace more affordable than ever. Individuals and families will pay only a certain percentage of their income on health insurance thanks to financial help available through

“Even if you think you make too much money, you should look into your health coverage options through the Marketplace,” says Chiqui Flowers, administrator of the Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace. “Eligibility rules have changed and we have heard many people are surprised to see how much they can save on health coverage now.”

Every Oregonian, whether uninsured, enrolled in COBRA, or enrolled directly through an insurance company, should look into Marketplace coverage, even if they were not previously eligible. More than 75 percent of people who signed up in 2021 received financial help for plans that include essential benefits such as doctor visits, prescriptions, emergency care, and mental health services.

  • A 40-something couple in the Portland area making $70,000 can get health coverage for as low as $300 per month.
  • A 26-year-old living in Eugene making $28,000 per year can get health coverage for as low as $1 per month.
  • Parents who are 30-something and have two children in La Grande earning $80,000 can get health coverage for as low as $145 per month.

Oregonians can preview plans and savings available to them by answering a few short questions at The website is also the best place to find a health insurance experts who can give one-on-one help with the application and enrollment process by phone, email, or in person. Visit today to get started.


The Oregon Health Insurance Marketplace, a part of state government, helps people get health insurance when they do not have job-based coverage, and do not qualify for the Oregon Health Plan or another program. The Marketplace is the state-level partner to For more information, go to


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