Bend City Councilors Comment On Fatal Shooting


Bend City Councilors released a statement relating to the fatal shooting in downtown Bend early Sunday morning:

“We mourn the loss of Barry Washington Jr., who was killed this weekend in Downtown Bend.  He was a son, a friend, and a member of this community.  We must dig deep and examine ourselves and the systems and culture that have brought us to the point where a young person is shot and killed in our downtown.  Gun violence is a routine part of life in other places.  We do not accept it here.  Mr. Washington’s death was totally preventable.  We call on the community to come together and focus on how we can prevent these tragedies from happening in the city we all love.  We call for justice and support for Mr. Washington’s family as they grieve this tragic loss.”

This message was endorsed by:

Rita Schenkelberg

Sally Russell (Mayor)

Megan Perkins

Melanie Kebler

Gena Goodman Campbell

Barb Campbell

Anthony Broadman


COCC President Signals Retirement

Dr. Laurie Chelsey, president of Central Oregon Community College (COCC), has announced her plans to step down from her role and retire as of June 30, 2025, having served the college as president since July of 2019.