Madras Opens Grafitti Art Project


Back in September 2020, the Madras Urban Forestry Commission approved the concept of using an old building and a portion of an empty lot that the City owned adjacent to Sahalee Park as a designated place for the public expression of art in hopes of reducing the amount of graffiti that was increasing in town. This type of project has been successful in other towns across the US and the Commission felt it was worth presenting to the City Council for consideration.

After working out some public rules regarding what would be acceptable at the site, how the site would be monitored, etc., the City Council approved the project in February 2021. “Public Works and City Police will monitor the site and quickly cover up any derogatory graffiti (gang signs, bad words, symbols, etc.),” stated Public Works Director Jeff Hurd.

The site is located across the street to the west from Sahalee Park at 7th and “D” Streets. The empty building has been boarded up and painted to create a blank canvas for future artists. To kick off the project, City staff will be at the site Thursday, June 3, 2021 between 5 and 8 pm during the Madras Downtown First Thursday event with art supplies encouraging the public to express themselves artistically.

“We hope this project will provide people the outlet to express themselves in a positive manner and reduce the amount of graffiti in town,” stated Mayor Richard Ladeby.


St. Patrick’s Day Dash

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Understanding Homelessness in Central OR

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