Campus “Pop-Up” Vaccine Clinics Scheduled

COCC and OSU-Cascades, together with Deschutes County, are co-hosting free pop-up COVID-19 vaccination clinics on both campuses in Bend.  Visit to learn more, including how to make an appointment.  The COCC Foundation and the College would be very grateful if you would share news of these upcoming clinics with your community (for example, on your social media accounts and in conversations with others). We also encourage you to attend if you’ve not yet had a chance to get your COVID-19 vaccine!
These on-campus COVID-19 vaccination clinics are open to any individual age 16 and older. No health insurance is required. Deschutes County administer the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine. Appointments recommended, limited walk-ups available. Pick the campus location/times that are most convenient for you (and please remember that you will receive your first and second dose at the same location):
  • OSU-Cascades: May 17 (first dose) / June 7 (second dose), 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.
  • COCC Bend: May 18 (first dose) / June 8 (second dose), 3 p.m. – 7 p.m.
Free food and giveaways at second-dose appointments. Spanish-speaking volunteers on hand throughout all clinics.

St. Patrick’s Day Dash

Join Us at Deschutes Tasting Room on Simpson Ave. for the 2025 Hydroflask St. Patrick’s Day Dash presented by Deschutes Brewery and Horizon Broadcasting. Gather the family to walk, jog, crawl or run, and be sure to


State Parks Seek Input On E-Bike Use

Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (OPRD) is seeking public comments on proposed rule updates to electric assisted (e-assisted) bicycle use at Oregon State Parks and the ocean shore now through April 1. The proposed updates clarify definitions of e-assisted