Local Gym Climbs To Nation’s Best


A local gym was honored by the national rock climbing community as being the best in the nation. Bend Rock Gym received the honor as part of the 2020 USA Climbing Community Awards designed to honor individuals, teams, facilities, and events that stand out in the USA Climbing community each year. According to USA Climbing’s website, hundreds of nominations were received and reviewed by USA Climbing staff, committee members, and volunteers.

“The Community Award winners are members of our local communities and range from youth competitors to seasoned volunteers,” said Bruce Mitchell, President of USA Climbing’s Board of Directors. “In a year where we faced immense challenges and our community had to come up with creative ways to keep climbing, we are grateful for the continued commitment of our members to push the sport forward.”

According to USA Climbing website: Bend Rock Gym consistently hosts local and championship events. Not a year goes by that BRG doesn’t host at least one championship, and they will often host two, including stepping up on short notice when hosting at another gym fell through for logistical reasons. Everyone with BRG is ready to step up when they’re needed. From the setting team to the front desk workers, BRG is a family that is always looking out for others.

General Manager Rich Breuner is a key piece of the puzzle in creating a strong and caring culture. At championship events, Rich often functions as another RC, rolling up his sleeves and jumping in to do just about anything to keep the event running smoothly so everyone has a good experience, from climbers to volunteers.


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