Charges Filed in Downtown Bend Rally Assault


On July 11, 2020, a pick-up-truck drove past a rally on the corner of NW Wall and NW Greenwood in downtown Bend.  As the truck passed the rally, the passenger screamed a slur at rally attendees.  One of the rally attendees, 29-year-old Bend resident Andrew Heller, rode his bike two blocks to the truck that was then stopped at a traffic light. 


Mr. Heller stopped his bike on the passenger side of the truck and asked the passenger why he yelled what he yelled.  The passenger, 37-year-old La Pine resident Darrell Goddard, responded by slamming open his door into Mr. Heller, thereby knocking Mr. Heller and his bike into another car in the road.  Mr. Goddard then jumped out of the truck and started punching Mr. Heller who was on the ground.  The driver of the truck, 50-year-old Show Lo, Arizona resident Robert Thompson, then grabbed one of his hand guns, jumped out of the truck, pointed the gun at Mr. Heller, and threatened him. 


Mr. Goddard and Mr. Heller then got back into the truck and drove off. 


The Bend Police Department responded and located the truck in question at the Shell gas station on SE Third Street in Bend.  A high-risk felony stop was conducted.  Two guns were found in the truck.  The Bend Police Department investigated and issued citations to Goddard and Thompson and released them.


Today, Deschutes County District Attorney John Hummel charged Mr. Goddard with assault in the fourth degree and criminal mischief in the second degree (criminal mischief based on damage to the car that Heller and his bike were knocked into).  Hummel charged Thompson with unlawful use of a weapon, unlawful possession of a firearm, and menacing.


Goddard and Thompson are presumed innocent of these charges, and in fact are innocent of them, unless and until the State proves their guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. 


Goddard and Thompson’s first court appearance is for an arraignment on September 8, 2020 at 1:15. 


Statement from District Attorney Hummel:


“People in Deschutes County are free to assemble and share their viewpoints on whatever they want others to hear.  It should go without saying that this is a hallmark of our country.  If people disagree with the viewpoints of others in our community, they should respond with their words, with their boycott, or with their vote. If they respond with their guns and fists, I will respond with criminal charges.


St. Patrick’s Day Dash

Join Us at Deschutes Tasting Room on Simpson Ave. for the 2025 Hydroflask St. Patrick’s Day Dash presented by Deschutes Brewery and Horizon Broadcasting. Gather the family to walk, jog, crawl or run, and be sure to


Become a Volunteer Ranger

Discover Your Forest, the non-profit partner of the Deschutes National Forest, is hosting the annual Summer Volunteer Information Night for volunteers who are interested in summer volunteer opportunities on the Deschutes National Forest. The event will be