L-R — Zac Mirabelli and Elizabeth Weber — Colin Young-Wolff/CBS Entertainment ©2019 CBS Broadcasting, Inc. All Rights Reserved.(NEVADA) — The COVID-19 pandemic has chased CBS’ Love Island inland to Las Vegas for its second season, according to Vulture. Production is expected to be up and running by August.
The network says the Vegas locale will remove any difficulty posed by restrictions on international travel due to the virus.
CBS and ITV Entertainment say everyone associated with the show, including the show’s cast and all crew members, will be quarantined prior to the start of production. The cast and crew will also be tested for COVID-19 before and during production, crew members will work in pods to limit interaction between them and social distancing and sanitization protocol will apply.
Love Island is eyeing a late summer launch on CBS.
By George Costantino
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