The Bend City Council has recently approved over $1.3 million in funding from two different programs for affordable housing developments and social service organizations.
- $500,000 is from the Affordable Housing Fund, which supports affordable housing development and preservation in Bend. This spring, nine developers and organizations applied for the funding, and the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee selected two projects from Wishcamper Companies Inc. and Pacific Crest Affordable Housing.
- About $800,000 came through the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) program, which funds social service organizations that provide assistance for housing and community development activities that benefit low- and moderate-income persons. Local organizations submitted 15 applications to the Affordable Housing Advisory Committee. This year, criteria included responding to the COVID-19 crisis. The committee selected Bethlehem Inn, Council on Aging, FUSE, Habitat for Humanity, J Bar J, NeighborImpact, Saving Grace, Shepherd’s House, Thrive Central Oregon and Volunteers in Medicine.
The City’s Affordable Housing Fund collects one-third of one percent of building permit fees submitted to the City of Bend and uses the proceeds to acquire land for deed-restricted affordable housing, develop land, build or rehabilitate homes. Funding for the CDBG is provided by the US Department of Housing and Urban Development and is utilized or distributed by the City of Bend.
The City of Bend Consolidated Plan is a comprehensive housing and community development strategy that was prepared with extensive public involvement guides both funding programs.
“The Affordable Housing Advisory Committee is grateful to be a part of the selection process for funding these impactful projects,” said Committee Chair Cindy King. “Our role as a committee is to provide funding recommendations to City Council that align with the goals outlined in the City’s Consolidated Plan as it relates to affordable housing. We feel the applicants who were selected this year will provide great benefits for Bend community members in the coming year.”
For more information on affordable housing in Bend, visit