JUST IN: Deschutes County Circuit Court COVID-19 Response


The Deschutes County Circuit Court is implementing Chief Justice Order 20-006, which imposes statewide “Level 3 Restrictions” on court operations in Oregon. The Order issued by Oregon Supreme Court Chief Justice Martha L. Walters, dated March 16th, 2020, may be found at www.courts.oregon.gov under the Alerts and Emergency Closures banner.

Consistent with the Chief Justice Order (CJO), the Court is rescheduling most hearings and trials scheduled through March 27th . People with hearings that were scheduled within this time frame are encouraged to contact their attorney or use the Judicial Department’s On-Line Records and Calendar Search function found on the Judicial Department website to determine if their hearing has been rescheduled.

Consistent with the CJO, trials for in-custody criminal defendants may proceed if statutory or constitutional trial rights are implicated. In the event the Court requires jurors to report for jury duty, the Court will ensure that the facilities used by jurors are rigorously sanitized and

social distancing practices will be strictly enforced. Jurors summoned to appear for the two-week term beginning Monday, March 23rd will be instructed to call the jury information line each night for jury service updates. Earlier guidance allowing jurors in high-risk categories (see the Alerts and Emergency Closure Banner) to request and receive an automatic deferral remains in effect.

Individuals entering the Deschutes County Circuit Court will be greeted by a staff member who will direct them to the assigned courtroom or other service area connected to their visit.

Direction regarding social distancing will be provided. Consistent with the CJO, individuals who exhibit symptoms associated with COVID-19 or flu will be directed to leave the Courthouse. Individuals who call the Courthouse during regular telephone hours (8 AM to 2 PM) may be required to provide a telephone number for a staff member to call them back at a later time.


St. Patrick’s Day Dash

Join Us at Deschutes Tasting Room on Simpson Ave. for the 2025 Hydroflask St. Patrick’s Day Dash presented by Deschutes Brewery and Horizon Broadcasting. Gather the family to walk, jog, crawl or run, and be sure to


Understanding Homelessness in Central OR

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