(Message from the Tower Theatre Bend)
We are actively monitoring news of Novel Coronavirus/COVID-19 cases, consulting with local and regional health and emergency experts, and preparing for additional safety procedures. At this time, there are no recommendations to stop events or public gatherings in Oregon. Therefore, the Tower’s programs, concerts and conferences are continuing as scheduled.
As always, we welcome you to enjoy the theatre. However, if you are exhibiting symptoms of illness – particularly cough, fever, body aches, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing – please stay home.
For information on events, seating, ticket refunds or exchanges, please contact info@towertheatre.org or 541-317-0700. Our Box Office is staffed Tuesday-Friday 9am-5pm.
Until state or county officials direct us differently, we have implemented several preventative measures to protect the health of Tower patrons:
· Hand sanitizer is available in multiple locations around the theatre. We encourage you to use it often!
· Sanitizing wipes are available if you wish to wipe down your seat’s arm rest.
· Light switches, door knobs, handles, and railings are sanitized daily.
Please share concerns or questions with any staff member or usher. Meanwhile, we appreciate you caring for yourself as well as for our community.