Nancy Pelosi Blasts Donald Trump's 'Bizarre' Rhetoric: 'Verbal Poo-Poo'


ABC News(NEW YORK) — House Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi had strong words for Donald Trump at a press conference this morning, blasting his “bizarre” rhetoric, which she said is “reminiscent of demagogues who want to be in the press, no matter what they have to say. They make their ‘verbal poo-poo’ anyplace to get attention.”

“This is a tactic. This is not an accident. This is a tactic. And here we are talking about it,” Pelosi added when asked about Trump’s latest comments calling President Barack Obama the founder and Hillary Clinton a co-founder of ISIS.

Pelosi said that Trump’s Second Amendment remarks earlier this week, which some perceived as a call for violence against Clinton, were made “perhaps unwittingly, but the double meaning it had, wittingly or not, is very, very problematic. Very problematic and scary.”

Trump “didn’t understand that the words of a presidential candidate, a nominee, weigh a ton. There were many other references he could have made about getting out the vote,” she said.

Rep. Steve Israel, D-N.Y., part of the congressional delegation led by Pelosi that just returned from Italy and Afghanistan, where members met with foreign leaders, said he and other U.S. lawmakers were on clean-up duty.

“This is typical Trumpian stupidity,” Israel said. “I felt like we should have brought brooms and mops to clean up the damage that Donald Trump is creating for those allies and those partners, to clean up the national security mess that he has created.”

Rep. Andre Carson, D-Ind., echoed that statement, saying, “Our partnership with NATO cannot be questioned” because the other members of the alliance stood with the U.S. after 9/11 and play a critical role in the fight against terrorism. “Threats to abandon our allies are simply empty rhetoric.”

Pelosi also called out House Republicans, urging them to return early from a seven-week recess and “get back to work.” The press conference touched on four major public health crises on which Democrats want action from House Republicans: Zika, gun violence, opioid addiction and water contamination in Flint, Michigan.

“What better thing do you have to do than to look after the needs of the American people?” asked Pelosi.

Rep. Donna Edwards, D-Md., also criticized House Republicans, saying, “Children will be back in school for the fall, and Republicans in Congress will still be on vacation.”

While discussing House Republicans’ resistance to providing funding for contraceptives to prevent sexual transmission of Zika, Pelosi asked how many of her Republican colleagues use contraceptives.

“I wonder this a lot. How many of the families of our Republican colleagues are not practicing birth control?” she said. “How come they don’t have many more children? How come they don’t have five children in six years, the way I did? What is it with them that they don’t understand? A sexually transmitted disease — you use contraception.”

On the reported hacking of hundreds of Democratic officials and groups, including the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, Pelosi said she wasn’t concerned about any information that could come out but insisted that Russia was responsible.

“This is an electronic Watergate,” she said. “This is a break-in.”

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