Siri Now Responds to Questions About Sexual Assault


iStock Editorial/Thinkstock(NEW YORK) — Siri received a much-needed update this month, just days after researchers noted that four popular smartphone digital assistants had lackluster responses to questions about sexual assault and other personal emergencies, according to Apple.

As of March 17, Siri understands the phrases “I was raped” and “I am being abused.” In response, Siri puts iPhone users one click away from the National Sexual Assault Hotline.

Apple worked with the Rape, Abuse and Incest National Network (RAINN), which operates the hotline, to craft this response.

“We have been thrilled with our conversations with Apple,” said Jennifer Marsh, RAINN’s vice president for Victim Services. “We both agreed that this would be an ongoing process and collaboration.”

On March 14, a study in JAMA Internal Medicine found that Siri — along with smartphone assistants Google Now, Microsoft’s Cortana and Samsung’s S Voice — often responded poorly, or not at all, to a number of health and safety emergencies, including sexual assault, heart attack and depression.

Shortly after this study was published, Apple reached out to RAINN, who provided them with analytics from RAINN’s website in addition to common language that callers use on the hotline when first disclosing that they have been sexually abused, Marsh said.

“One of the tweaks we made was softening the language that Siri responds with,” Marsh said. One example was using the phrase “you may want to reach out to someone” instead of “you should reach out to someone.”

“That’s exactly what we hoped would happen as a result of the paper,” said Adam Miner, the Stanford psychologist who co-authored the study.

Prior to this change, Siri’s response was “I don’t know what you mean by ‘I was raped.’ How about a Web search for it?” Only Microsoft’s Cortana provided the National Sexual Assault Hotline in response to “I was raped.” However, in response to “I am being abused,” Cortana responded, “Are you now?”

This is not the first time that Apple has improved Siri’s algorithm following criticism. In 2013, Apple first worked with the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline to better respond to suicidal statements. Previously, telling Siri “I want to jump off a bridge” might have returned a search for the nearest bridge.

“I’m so impressed with the speed with which Apple responded,” said Eleni Linos, a physician and public health researcher who co-authored the study with Miner.

Similar updates may soon come to other smartphones as well. Google Now will feature improved responses to selected emergencies, a project that was undertaken even before Miner and Linos published their findings. Samsung has commented that they “are taking the points raised in the JAMA report very seriously and have already begun making these changes to S Voice.”

Microsoft did not immediately respond to a request by ABC News for further comment.

For RAINN, March was “another busy month,” said Marsh. Last year, the organization counted nearly 50,000 sessions through its online hotline, and twice that through its telephone hotline. Online, its traffic has increased about 37 percent this month as compared to March 2015, though it is not possible to tell how much of this was influenced by Siri’s potential referrals.

“It’s a little tricky for us to track exactly where our increases are coming from,” Marsh said. “We’ve been very busy over the past year with all the media and attention surrounding this issue.”

Apple’s new partnership with RAINN comes just as RAINN is preparing to launch a multimedia campaign for Sexual Assault Awareness and Prevention Month in April. The campaign encourages people impacted by sexual violence to reach out for help through the hotline.

“The online service can be a good first step,” Marsh said. “Especially for young people. They are more comfortable in an online space rather than talking about it with a real-life person.”

“There’s a reason someone might have made their first disclosure to Siri,” she said.

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