Inside Ben Carson's Possible Staff Shake-up


Justin Sullivan/Getty Images(WASHINGTON) — There is a little over a month until the Iowa caucuses and Carson campaign staffers are pushing back on the notion of a staff shake-up.

In two separate interviews, Carson said no job in his campaign is safe and that “every job is on the table.”

Carson said a staff shakeup could be imminent, and left open the possibility that campaign manager Barry Bennett may not remain in charge.

However, the presidential candidate’s staff is disputing those claims, telling ABC News that it’s not true.

Bennett tells ABC News, that the information in the articles was false. Bennett has spoken with Carson about the topic, he says, and he “was talking about ideas and tactics, not people.”

When asked specifically why Carson was speaking about his campaign staff, Bennett dodged the question, saying he didn’t know why Carson was saying those things.

After ABC spoke with Bennett, Carson released a statement touting “100 percent confidence” in his campaign team.

“We are refining some operational practices and streamlining some staff assignments to more aptly match the tasks ahead, but my senior team remains in place with my full confidence, and they will continue to execute our campaign plan,” the statement says.

Carson told CNN’s Don Lemon on Tuesday, that the Washington Post has misconstrued his interview.

“They were convinced I was going to fire everybody and we were just going to go in a completely different direction,” he told Lemon. “And that’s absolutely not true. I said we are constantly looking at everything and continue to look at everything.”

He explained that the campaign “may have to add some people or change people,” but nothing is definite.

Carson has slipped in the polls as the Iowa caucus nears. The most recent CNN/ORC poll had him at 10 percent, tied for third place with Marco Rubio and trailing behind Donald Trump and Ted Cruz.

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Gov. Gavin Newsom deals blow to reparations effort in California

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images (SACRAMENTO, Calif.) — California Gov. Gavin Newsom dealt a blow to legislation linked to the state’s groundbreaking reparations efforts on Wednesday. He vetoed Senate Bill 1050, which would have restored property taken under racially-motivated