Roseburg, Ore. – Initial attack on the Umpqua National Forest increased Sunday with crews responding to three new wildfires on the Diamond Lake Ranger District. A total of five fires were contained this weekend, the largest being 0.25 acre.
A Red Flag Warning was issued for the Umpqua National Forest for high fire danger and lightning due to thunderstorms. These thunderstorms combined with dry fuels may create conditions that result in multiple new starts. Initial attack resources are ready to respond to any new starts.
Please be cautious while enjoying the outdoors due to the possibility of dangerous weather conditions. Remember, thunderstorms may not be directly overhead, but you could still get hit by lightning. For information and tips on lighting safety visit: http://www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov/outdoors.shtml
National Creek Complex, 10 miles southwest of Diamond Lake, had an increase in active fire behavior yesterday. The fires’ smoke may impact air quality conditions on the Umpqua National Forest. Area closures at Crater Lake National Park are in effect. More information is available at the Inciweb Site: http://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/4463/