Jeb Bush Announces 2016 Presidential Campaign: 'I Will Run To Win'

ABC News(MIAMI) — Former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush put an end on Monday to months of speculation and announced his 2016 presidential campaign.

“We are 17 months from the time for choosing,” Bush told a cheering audience in Miami. “The stakes for America’s future are about as great as they come. Our prosperity and our security are in the balance. So is opportunity, in this nation where every life matters and everyone has the right to rise.”

He added, “I will campaign as I would serve, going everywhere, speaking to everyone, keeping my word, facing the issues without flinching, and staying true to what I believe,” Bush plans to say this afternoon, according to excerpts of his remarks as prepared for delivery. “I will take nothing and no one for granted. I will run with heart. I will run to win.”

In his speech, he accused the Democrats planning a no-suspense primary, for a no-change election. To hold onto power. To slog on with the same agenda under another name: That’s our opponents’ call to action this time around. That’s all they’ve got left.”

Bush focused on a few major areas: His record as governor, his focus on vulnerable populations, his plan to spur the economy through the creation of 19 million jobs, and his desire to “disrupt Washington,” a direct jab at the senators running for president, such as Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, and Bush’s own protégé, Florida Sen. Marco Rubio. He’ll also focus on foreign policy and his plan to re-engage with the world, having just finished a five-day trip to Europe in which he visited Germany, Poland and Estonia.

“We made Florida number one in job creation and number one in small business creation,” Bush said. “1.3 million new jobs, 4.4 percent growth, higher family income, eight balanced budgets, and tax cuts eight years in a row that saved our people and businesses 19 billion dollars.”

The announcement took place at Miami-Dade College in Bush’ home state of Florida, where he was a two-term governor. This state-sponsored community college is the largest campus in the nation, a perfect backdrop for Bush to tout one of his core issues — education reform. His team chose that location for its diversity and, indeed, the audience is expected to have a large Hispanic contingent, a base Bush is looking to help push him towards the nomination.

The Bush campaign team has actively used multimedia to highlight its messages. On Sunday, the team released the video that will play behind him right before his announcement. In it, against a backdrop of diverse faces, Bush narrates and highlights his record as governor and the successes of his tenure; his school voucher program, the creation of new jobs, his policies focused on helping families with disabled children, and his fight against domestic violence, a passion he shares with his wife, Columba.

And Monday morning, Bush publicized a video titled, “The Greatest Century,” detailing what are likely to be his main campaign points. The video begins in his home state, with the former governor looking out over the skyline of Miami. We then see images of various Americans, each representing a different point — strengthening the economy, education, immigration reform, pro-life advocacy, protecting women from domestic violence, and military strength.

It ends on his newly unveiled campaign logo, “Jeb 2016”, which conspicuously lacks any mention of his famous last name, features a similar look to his gubernatorial logos.

Bush’s announcement comes almost 6 months to the day after saying that he would “actively explore the possibility of running for the President of the United States” in December. His campaign has been the subject of great scrutiny since then, with critics accusing him of running a shadow campaign and merely delaying his formal entry into the race to be able to coordinate and raise funds for his Right to Rise Super PAC. Early this year, they set an aggressive fundraising goal of $100 million. His campaign came under investigation by two campaign finance watchdogs who urged the Department of Justice to investigate for violation of campaign finance laws.

A spokesperson for Bush said in a statement to ABC News, “We are fully complying with the law in all activities Governor Bush is engaging in on the political front, and will continue to do so.”

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