Wolf Pack One Attack Away from Consequences

Umatilla Wolf Pack STOCKSALEM, OR — One of Oregon’s wolf packs is one livestock attack away from a potential kill order.  The Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife confirmed the Umatilla Pack west of Pendleton is responsible for killing a sheep last week in a private pasture.  Two other attacks occurred in earlier in the summer.

The state cannot kill a wolf unless three conditions are met:

  • There must be hard evidence that the pack is responsible for four livestock attacks over the past six months.
  • The owner has taken non-lethal steps to protect its livestock.
  • Wolf attacks are likely to continue even with more non-lethal protections.

The rules were adopted last year as a result of a lawsuit by conservation groups.

If you see local news happen, call the Horizon Broadcasting Group News Tip Hotline at 541-323-NEWS, or email us.


St. Patrick’s Day Dash

Join Us at Deschutes Tasting Room on Simpson Ave. for the 2025 Hydroflask St. Patrick’s Day Dash presented by Deschutes Brewery and Horizon Broadcasting. Gather the family to walk, jog, crawl or run, and be sure to