Campus “Potential” Threat And Lockdown This Morning In Redmond At Ridgeview


Redmond, Ore. – Ridgeview High School students and staff followed district lockdown protocol this morning due to a potential threat on campus.

Here’s the statement from the district:

Ridgeview High School went into a short lockdown around 8:00 a.m. this morning. A student shared that a threat to the school had been made by an individual via text whose location was unknown. The school immediately contacted law enforcement and went into lockdown while police investigated and determined the location of the single individual who allegedly made the threat.

The school was in lockdown for 12 minutes and all students and staff expertly followed lockdown protocol to secure classrooms. During a lockdown, students, staff and visitors are instructed to move out of site, lock doors, turn off lights and stay quiet.

Once the individual was located, off campus, police and administrators released students and staff from the lockdown. Redmond Police tell us that there is no further threat to our staff or students. The district commends the student(s) who alerted administration to the potential threat.

The school has made counselors available to any student or staff member who may need additional assistance at this time. School and law enforcement are following Safe Schools protocols to address any consequences resulting from this incident. Due to privacy and the sensitive nature of this event, the district will not release names or specific details about the students involved.

Please use this incident as an opportunity to discuss your child’s role in keeping their school safe by reporting suspicious activity of any kind to school. The safety of our students and staff is paramount – the student who reported this activity absolutely did the right thing.

The district partners with local law enforcement to create emergency protocols and drills that use best practices for student safety. Ridgeview High School practiced a planned lockdown drill last Friday so students and staff were well versed in the proper procedure.

If you see local news happen, call the Horizon Broadcasting Group News Tip Hotline at 541-323-NEWS, or email us.


United Way of Central Oregon Recaps 2024

United Way of Central Oregon (UWCO) is celebrating a year of significant accomplishments, including the deployment of emergency food and shelter funds to organizations across Central Oregon. These efforts, combined with strategic initiatives and partnerships, have laid