Senator Knopp Announces Support For Expansion To Child Tax Credit

Bipartisan Coalition Supports Senator Knopp’s Effort to Expand Tax Credits for Working Families

Salem, Ore – Family Forward Oregon, the Oregon Business Association and AFSCME Council 75 spoke out in support of an amendment from Senator Tim Knopp (R-Bend) to expand the Working Family Child Care Tax Credit.

Tim Knopp
Senate Bill 47 extends the sunset on the Working Families Child Care Tax Credit, which provides assistance for lower income families as they balance work with the cost of child care. The amendment, submitted by Senator Knopp, increases the percentage of child care expenses a family can get back while covering a greater number of Oregon families.

“We can’t let the high cost of child care keep Oregonians from opportunities that allow them to support their families,” said Senator Tim Knopp. “Extending the sunset on the Working Families Child Care Tax Credit is a great start, but now more relief will be given to more families to help cover child care costs.”

“Expanding SB 47 will increase support for working families who, without childcare, wouldn’t be able to work. Many working families can’t choose between a job and taking care of their children, and expanding this tax credit will lift the financial burden off of working Oregonians,” said Knopp. “I look forward to working with the Chair and the rest of the Workforce Committee to advance our common goal of helping working families prosper.”

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